Cloud Storage and University Data



NevadaBox is a cloud-based storage solution for students, faculty, and staff at the University of Nevada, Reno. This storage solution is intended to be for University-related work only. Files on NevadaBox can be easily shared with collaborators who also have Box account. 

Individual users are granted an initial storage quota of 50GB. Departments or other units are granted an initial storage quota or 500GB. 


OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud-based storage solution. OneDrive is part of Office 365 but can be downloaded to your computer for ease of use. OneDrive files can be shared with collaborators who also have a Microsoft account. When individuals leave the University they will no longer have access to the files in their OneDrive account. Their files will need to be transferred to a personal account or to another University faculty or staff or they will be lost.  

Individual users are granted an initial storage quota of 5TB.


GoogleDrive is a cloud-based storage solution for students and allows for up to 100GB storage. GoogleDrive is not an approved location to store any university records. Approved files on GoogleDrive can be shared with collaborators who also have Google accounts. Account holders can also create files using one of the GoogleDrive Applications provided by Google. At the University of Nevada, Reno every student who wants one is provided a Google account. Student Google accounts are not terminated,  students can continue to use their Google accounts long after they have left the University of Nevada, Reno.

Email Storage

Microsoft Office365 is currently the only approved location for storing and transmitting email based University records or sensitive and confidential information.  All other email providers, including Gmail, are not approved.   This includes the University student email service provided by Google.  It is strongly recommended that automatic forwarding to a non-approved email provider is not used as it is not possible to filter out the sensitive or confidential information that should only be located in Office365.

For more information on University records please see the University Administrative Manual (UAM).

Individual users are granted a storage quota of 50GB.


iCloud is a cloud-based storage option provided and managed by Apple and is pre-installed on Mac-based hardware. iCloud is not an approved location for data storage nor data sharing at the University. This includes Regulated, Unrestricted, Sensitive, and Confidential data.


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Article ID: 116936
Thu 9/24/20 12:27 PM
Wed 10/18/23 10:54 AM