How to Update a Class with Variable Units


Some classes have variable units, meaning that when you enroll you can enroll into 1-3 units (sometimes more). If you do not initially enroll into the correct amount of units for a variable class, you can later edit your enrollment to increase or decrease the amount of units.

To edit a class, navigate to MyNEVADA and click on the Enrollment Tile. 

Enrollment Tile in MyNEVADA

Next, on the left hand side menu click Update Classes: 

Update Classes

The classes that you are enrolled in will show on this page. Note: Not all classes are variable credit, but all courses will appear on this page (including wait listed classes). 

Update Classes page in MyNEVADA

To update units for a course, select the class you would like to update. This will take you to a two step process. 

First, use the drop down menu to change the units to what you would like. Once complete, click Accept. 

Step 1 of 2: Class Preferences in MyNEVADA

In step 2, review what you have updated in the previous step looks correct and click Submit to process your request: 

Step 2 of 2: Review and Submit in MyNEVADA

You will be prompted with the question below, ensure you select Yes to submit: 

Are you sure you want to submit? box in MyNEVADA

If your request was successful, you will be present with the message below:

Successful update of course units message in MyNEVADA




Article ID: 115044
Fri 8/28/20 6:03 PM