To Do List & Holds


All students have a To Do List and a Holds section in their MyNEVADA account. Review the information below on how to differentiate between the two. 

To Do List 

Your To Do List includes items or actions that are currently required. These items may range from missing immunizations or transcripts. financial aid documents and much more. To review items on your To Do List first navigate to MyNEVADA and log in. Next, click on your Tasks Tile from your Student Homepage.

 Tasks tile in MyNEVADA

You will then be directed to the To Do List page in which you can review any items on your To Do List currently:

To Do List item in MyNEVADA

Please note: When the status is listed as initiated that means we have initiated the item on to your To Do List. This not mean that processing of this item has begun. 

To review the specific To Do List item details, you can click on the item for more information: 

Task Details in MyNEVADA for EXPIRED Immunization: TD

Items on your To Do List are not necessarily holds. However, if the item is not turned in, or the action completed, the To Do List item can turn into a hold and prevent registration. Continue reading for more information on reviewing your Holds in MyNEVADA. 




Any holds on your MyNEVADA account will be listed in your holds section. These holds may range from missing immunizations or transcripts, account past due, or academic advising. To review any holds on your account, first navigate to MyNEVADA and log in. Next, click on your Tasks Tile from your Student Homepage:

Tasks tile in MyNEVADA

Next, from the left hand side menu option click Holds: 

Holds menu option in MyNEVADA

You will then be directed to the Holds page in which you can review any holds on your account: 

Holds list in MyNEVADA - Advising Hold

To review the details of any holds on your account, you can click on the hold you would like to review: 

Advising Hold information in MynEVADA




Article ID: 118335
Wed 10/14/20 2:29 PM
Wed 10/14/20 2:31 PM