Your Applicant Homepage is a one-stop shop for all of your application information. Below you will find information on how to view your application status, accept your admissions, make a payment, view your To-Do List, Holds and Communication Center, and review your Financial Aid information
The Layout
The Applicant Homepage has 5 different navigation tiles: Applicant Center, Accept Admission, Make a Payment, Financial Aid, and Tasks.

Your Applicant Homepage Tiles Explained
Applicant Center

The Applicant Center gives you access to view your Application Status, Applicant Center Dashboard, Test Scores, and a summary of your Demographic Data.
Application Status
If your application status is complete, i.e. we have all of your transcripts and test scores, you will see that the application is complete and is in the review stage. Once the application has been reviewed, you will be notified of a decision.
If your application status is incomplete, you will see that we are waiting on additional documents to proceed with the admissions process. To review the outstanding items, click Show outstanding items for this application. The outstanding items with instructions will be listed below the status bar. The items listed are required to complete your application and receiving them enables us to move forward with the evaluation process.
Applicant Center Dashboard
The Applicant Center Dashboard provides you a summary of your account with the University of Nevada, Reno. Here you can view your Academics, Finances, Personal Information, Communication Center, Holds, To Do List, and manage your Third Party Releases.
Test Scores
This section allows you to view the test scores the University has received for you thus far. They will be grouped by the Test ID (SAT, ACT, etc.) and include a Test Date for reference.
Demographic Information
The Demographic Information navigation allows you to view a summary of all the demographic data we have on file for you, as well as information such as your NSHE ID and Residency Data. Residency Data refers to your residency classification for tuition purposes.
Accept Admission

Undergraduate degree seeking applicants who have been evaluated for admission, and are admissible, will receive an admit letter and packet informing them of their acceptance. Once the admit letter is received, this tile can be used to accept/decline admission. Accepting admission is a non-binding decision that allows the applicant to move forward in all new student processes.
Make a Payment

The Make a Payment tile provides you access to make a payment in your MyNEVADA account.You can pay by debit/credit card or electronic check.
Debit/Credit Card - Selecting Credit Card in the Pay By drop down menu will give you options to use a debit or credit card. Using this payment method requires that you have the card account number, expiration date, security code, and the cardholder billing information.
Electronic Check - Electronic payments require a bank routing number and account number. Payments can be made from a personal checking or savings account. Corporate checks are not allowed. You will need to know the account type (checking or savings) as well as the billing information.
Financial Aid

The Financial Aid tile provides you access to your Award Summary, Need Summary, Cost of Attendance, and Expected Family Contribution.

The Tasks tile provides you access to view your To Do List, Holds, Communication Center, and Supplemental Forms.
To Do List
The To Do List is a list of additional information we need from you in order to complete your admissions application or normal maintenance of your school records. Financial Aid To Do items will also appear here if the action requires your attention. To see the details and instructions for complete the task, click the task you would like to review. Certain To Do List items, if not resolved, may eventually convert to an enrollment hold and prevent you from enrolling in classes.
If you have a hold on your record it will appear under the Holds section. There are various types of holds, and most will prevent you from enrolling in classes. If you have a hold listed, click on the hold to view specific details of what action is needed to remove the hold.
Communication Center
Communication Center allows you to see all communications sent by Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, and the Cashier's Office. These are available for you to download in PDF format and view at any time.
Supplemental Forms
Supplemental Forms topics can range from Work Study awards, Scholarship Applications, Financial Aid Enrollment Form, and the Winter and Summer Session awards. After clicking on the Supplemental Forms, all forms available to you will be shown here.