Enrollment Guide


MyNEVADA Enrollment Guide

MyNEVADA makes it easy to complete all of your enrollment tasks, including adding classes, dropping classes, and swapping classes -- all from your Enrollment tile on your Student Homepage. From the Enrollment tile, you can not only add, drop, or swap classes, but also see your class schedule, browse the course catalog, review your planner, and more.

An Important Note About Navigating MyNEVADA Enrollment 

After a system upgrade, we have noticed that when students select navigations from the Enrollment such as Browse Course Catalog or Planner, when navigating back to resources such as Class Search and Enroll or Drop classes, the actions and pages look different. 

We strongly suggest if you are using the enrollment tile and the icons on the page look like the ones below, that you navigate back to your student homepage and start fresh from the Class Search and Enroll navigation after you are done using the catalog or planner. 

Wrong Icons: 

Navigations under the Enrollment tile in MyNEVADA. Class Search and Enroll highlighted in green.

Correct Icons: 

Navigations under the Enrollment tile in MyNEVADA. Class Search and Enroll highlighted in green.

Attempting enrollment under the incorrect icons may result in incomplete class offerings when searching for courses. 

Adding Classes in MyNEVADA

After clicking on the enrollment tile, click on the "Class Search and Enroll" link from the left-hand menu (see screenshot below). Your active terms will be displayed, and you can now select the term for which you would like to register.

Class Search and Enroll menu option in MyNevada

You will then be directed to your Enrollment Shopping Cart. Enrolling for classes is a lot like online shopping! You will need to search for the class you want, select the class to have it added to your shopping cart, and then proceed through the checkout process. Your Shopping Cart allows you to see which classes you already have in your cart, and gives you access to the Class Search.

MyNEVADA Shopping Cart homepage

Ensure that you have the correct term listed at the top. Now you can search for the classes you would like to enroll in. There are several ways to search: by course number or name, by subject, by catalog number, or by instructor's last name.

To access the search, use the "Search" option. In the search box, you can enter the subject and course number and then click the "Search" button/link. For example, for English 101, you could search for the course abbreviation (ENG) and the course number (101). Your search should return a list of available classes. You can scroll through the results to find the course you want. 

MyNevada Search for Classes menu with searchbox for subject, course number filled in

To utilize other ways to search, use the  "Additional Search Criteria" portion of this page. Here you can input specific meeting pattern options, instruction mode, instructor last name, keywords, sessions and course attributes.  You can use each of these search fields to narrow or expand your search accordingly.

MyNevada Additional search criteria with options for meeting patters, instructor last name, class number, course keyword, units, components, session, location, course attribute and value

After searching for and locating the class you'd like to add to your schedule, click on the "Select" button next to the course you would like to add.

MyNEVADA class result with red box around the Select button

IMPORTANT: For classes that have both a lecture and a discussion/lab, you must also select the related component.


  • If you select the lecture portion of the course as your enrollment section, MyNEVADA will present you with the discussion/lab options associated with the lecture. You must choose one and click next to move forward: 

MyNEVADA Enrollment screen with lecture and dis/rec options populated

  • If you select the discussion portion of the course as your enrollment section, it will show you the lecture option associated with the discussion/lab. Review the lecture time  and ensure its one that will fit into your schedule. Click Next to move forward.

 MyNEVADA Enrollment screen with discussion and associated lecture

Enrollment Preferences 

After selecting the course for enrollment, you'll have an opportunity to review the specific class information. This review includes information on course availability (e.g., open, full), course meetings, class details, enrollment numbers and notes (if any provided). Once you have reviewed the information, click on the "Next" button to move to the next step. 

MyNevada Enrollment Preferences with a class seleted, with the class name, class section and academic session information available for review.

Shopping Cart 

The course will be added to your Shopping Cart. To finish enrolling, use the Proceed to Step 2 of 3 button to move forward. 

Proceed to Step 2 of #

Confirm Classes

Review the information for the course is correct. Select Finish Enrolling to process your request for the classes listed. To exit without adding these classes, select Cancel. 

Confirm Classes page in MyNEVADA with PSY 101 class information listed

Confirmation: Successful or Unsuccessful Enrollment

Check the Status column to see if your enrollment was successful or unsuccessful. A green check mark indicates that your enrollment was successful and a red X means that there was an error and you are unable to add the class.


MyNEVADA Enrollment result for PSY 101 with message listed and a green check mark

Note: MyNEVADA will display important enrollment messages during this step as they pertain to your enrollment. 


MyNEVADA Enrollment screen with red X for error

How to Drop Classes in MyNEVADA

To drop classes in MyNevada, you need to select the classes you want to drop and confirm them in the system. To begin, click on the "Enrollment" tile on your MyNevada Student Homepage. Once in the enrollment section, click the "Drop Classes" link/option from the menu.

MyNevada drop classes menu link item

Use the select column on the left hand side to indicate which courses you would like to drop. Only check the classes you would like to drop. 

MyNEVADA Select Classes to Drop page with ENG 101 and PSY 101 selected and a red arrow pointing to them. A red box around Drop Selected Classes

Once you have the classes that you would like to drop selected, click on the Drop Selected Classes button. Next, review the courses are in fact the ones you would like to drop, and click the Finish Dropping button. 

MyNEVADA Confirm your selection page with ENG 101 and PSY 101 listed

After submitting your drop class request, you will see one of two options next to your class selection.

MyNEVADA View Results enrollment page with a status of error for ENG 101 and success for PSY 101

Green Check Mark- If the drop request was successful, you will see a message confirming the class was dropped.

Red X - The red X indicates a problem with your request. Common issues include trying to drop a co-requisite of another class that you are currently enrolled in without dropping the other course. You have to drop those courses together.

If you are experiencing issues or problems with dropping a class, please contact the Office of Admissions and Records at (775) 784-4700, option 2 or by email at mynevada@unr.edu for assistance.




Article ID: 90210
Wed 10/23/19 1:48 PM
Fri 7/8/22 11:23 AM