Access Your Email on an Android Device


The following instructions will assist you in adding your email address into the Microsoft Outlook and Gmail apps on your Android (Samsung, LG, Google, etc.) device as well as instructions for removing existing email accounts. You must be connected to either Wifi or a cellular network (3G, 4G, LTE) to follow these instructions.  

Connecting Your Email Address to your Android Device via Outlook

  1. Install the Microsoft Outlook App from the Play Store and launch the Outlook App.

    Android Apps Screen with a red box highlighting the Outlook App.
  2. Select the Get Started button.

    Oulook app with the Get Started button highlighted by a red box.
  3. Enter your email address and select Continue.

    Add account page showing email address entered and the Continue button highlighted by a red box.
  4. Enter your university email password and select Sign in. 

    Email sign in screen showing Email at the top and requesting to enter email password with a red box highlighting the "Sign in" button.
  5. Your account is now set up and ready to use.

Connecting Your Email Address to your Android Device via Gmail

  1. If you already have another email account set up in the Gmail app you should first select the user profile button on the upper right hand side of your screen then select Add another Account, otherwise proceed to Step 2.
  2. On the Set up email page select the Exchange and Office 365 option.
    Set up email page with the Exchange and Office 365 option highlighted by a red box
  3. Enter your university email address and tap the Next button.
    employee email address entered into input box and the Next button highlighted by a red box
  4. You will be redirected to a Microsoft login page, enter your email password and select Sign in.
    Email sign in screen showing Email at the top and requesting to enter email password with a red box highlighting the "Sign in" button.
  5. You will now be redirected back to the Gmail app select Done on the next page and your account will now be ready to go!
    Successful connection page with the Done button highlighted by a red box.

Removing your Email Profile from an Android Device

  1. Open your Settings app.
  2. Search for Accounts and backup.
  3. Select the Manage Accounts option.
  4. Locate the email account you wish to remove from your phone and select it. 
  5. On the following page select the Remove account option.

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Article ID: 117079
Fri 9/25/20 9:36 PM
Wed 12/4/24 5:57 PM

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