UNR at Lake Tahoe – Printing Guide



  1. Ensure you are logged-in to the eduroam Wi-Fi network.
  2. In the Windows Search bar at the bottom-left of your screen, type \\print.unr.edu and press ENTER. A Windows Security pop-up will appear.
  3. Enter your NetID (include the domain with the username like the following example: unr.edu\jsmith) and associated password. Check the box next to Remember my credentials, and then click OK.
  4. After authenticating, another window will automatically appear. Please close it.
  5. In the Windows Search bar at the bottom-left of your screen, type one of the following printer addresses, and then press ENTER.
  6. A User Account Control window will appear – click Yes. Approximately one minute or less will be required to install the device. It will then be ready to use.


  1. Ensure you are logged-in to the “eduroam” Wi-Fi network.
  2. Click the “Apple” icon in the top-left of your screen.
  3. Select “System Settings” or “System Preferences”
  4. Click “Printers and Scanners”
  5. Click the “Add” button (the + symbol)
  6. On the screen that follows, click the “IP button” (globe icon)
  7. In the “Address” field, enter the IP address of the desired printer. For “Protocol,” select “Line Printer Daemon.” In the “Name” field, rename the printer, if desired.
    • Prim Library 1st floor color:
    • Prim library 1st floor black & white:
    • Patterson Front desk:
  8. After a few seconds, a driver should automatically appear in the “Use” section. After it appears, click “Add.”
  9. A pop-up window will appear. Check the box next to “Duplex Printing Unit,” and then click “OK.”
  10. The device will be installed and ready to use.



Article ID: 150122
Tue 3/7/23 7:46 PM
Wed 3/8/23 7:34 PM