Searching for Web Based Courses in MyNEVADA

Searching for classes with a web-based instruction mode can be done using the class search function in MyNEVADA. 

 To begin, navigate to your MyNEVADA student homepage and click on the Enrollment tile. 

Enrollment tile from MyNEVADA homepage

Next, click on Class Search and Enroll from the left-side navigation menu options. 

Class Search and Enroll menu option in MyNEVADA

Next, under the Find Classes option, select Class Search and click on the Search button. 

MyNEVADA Shopping cart screenshot with Class Search highlighted in a red box

Next, enter the course subject and course number of the course you are looking for (ex. MATH 126). Using the mode of instruction drop-down menu, change the menu option to Web Based Course and click search. 

Class Search page in MyNEVADA featuring mode of instruction drop down menu

Your results will include any web based class offerings that meet the search criteria entered. Should you not get any results, you can attempt to uncheck the 'Show Open Classes Only' box on the previous page and search again. If no results appear, this could mean the course is not being offered in a web based format. 

Class search result for Math 126 web based classes with instructor name blurred

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Article ID: 145065
Fri 7/15/22 11:03 AM
Fri 7/15/22 11:03 AM