Adding an SSN or ITIN to MyNEVADA

If you did not provide us your SSN/ITIN on your application, you can add your SSN/ITIN from MyNEVADA.

**Please note: if you provided us an SSN/ITIN but need to change the SSN/ITIN on file you must fill out the form linked below and provide us the correct documentation.** 

First, you will need to click on the Student Center Classic tile from your Homepage. 

Student Center Classic logo in MyNEVADA

Next, under the Personal Information section of your Student Center Classic, click the add SSN blue hyperlink: 

Personal Information section in MyNEVADA with Add SSN with a red box around it

If you do not see the Add SSN button, you cannot add your SSN/ITIN through this self-service method. 


Next, use the drop down menu to indicate if you want to enter an SSN or an ITIN: 


ITIN or SSN drop down menu in MyNEVADA

Once you have chosen your selection, enter the desired SSN or ITIN in the boxes to the right: 

SSN page in MyNEVAD with SSN XXX-XX-XXXX entered

Once you are done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page: 


green Save button from the add SSN page in MyNEVADA

You will then receive a confirmation in MyNEVADA that your SSN/ITIN has been successfully saved: 

MyNEVADA Message Your SSN/ITIN has been saved. With OK and Cancel boxes below


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