Per Board of Regents requirements, all new applicants must submit documentation to prove Nevada resident status for tuition purposes. Most new applicants meet this requirement when they submit their Nevada high school transcript. However, if you did not attend high school in Nevada, other documentation is required. If we have not received appropriate documentation at the time of admission, your residency is defaulted to out-of-state. New applicants have until the Friday before fees are due to submit documentation to the Office of Admissions and Records.
To view your current residency status, navigate to MyNEVADA, and log in with your NSHE ID and password. Once logged in, click on the Personal Information tile.

Navigate to "Demographic Data" which is listed on the left hand side menu.

You will see your Residency status listed under 'Residency Data'. If you are an out of state student for tuition and fee purposes but receiving a tuition discount such as Nevada Advantage or Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) that information will be listed under the 'Reduced Tuition Program'.