Shared Documents allow a department to collaborate on documents. It's also possible to track versions associated with a file so that it is possible to rollback to an earlier version of the document if necessary. It is also possible to set custom permissions for folders in shared documents.
How Do I Create a Document Library?
In order to share a document in SharePoint, a library for those documents needs to be created.
- Click on the Settings Menu (Gear Icon), and click on Add an App.

- On the screen that appears, click on Document Library.

- Provide a name for the Document Library. If you click on the Advanced Options link you can edit the following settings
Document Version History: If you would like to view the version history on any document in the library, select yes. For space reasons, the default for this option is No.
Document Template: You can upload any kind of document to the library. However, if you create a document in the library, then the selected template will be applied.
Once you have filled in all the required information, click on Create.

How to Add a File to Your Document Library?
- Navigate to the Document Library and click on the Upload button.

- You can upload either a single file or a folder to the Document Library.
- Select the file or folder you would like to upload and click on Open.

- The file or folder will now appear in Sharepoint.
How Do I Edit a Document in SharePoint?
- Navigate to the Document Library and click on the name of the file you would like to edit.

- If the document is a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file, the browser will automatically open the document for you in the browser.
- You will then be able to edit the document. Whenever you save the document, the newest version will be automatically uploaded to the SharePoint site.