Conference Calling in Teams

If you do not see the Conference Telephone Number or ID when creating a meeting, please Submit a Ticket.

Microsoft Teams

Click Calendar on the left side of the app, then select the meeting. There's a phone number in the meeting details which you can use to call into the meeting.

Teams Application showing the Calendar tab on the left side selected and a red box highlighing the conference calling number for calling into a meeting from a phone.


Open your Calendar tab and select the Teams meeting you would like to attend.  A section in the meeting details will provide a phone number you can use to call into the meeting.

Outlook meeting window with a red box around the phone number that you can call into for a meeting.

Meeting Organizer - Conference Calling into Teams using a Standard Phone

Resetting your PIN is required if you are a meeting organizer wishing to join a meeting or conference call using a standard phone.

  1. Use the Reset PIN option from the meeting invite
  2. Navigate to the web page to automatically generate a new PIN
  3. Enter your PIN and press # to join the meeting

Teams Meeting Invitation with the Reset PIN option highlighted in yellow and the audio Conferencing page showing the Reset PIN button highlighted by a red box.


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Article ID: 117169
Mon 9/28/20 1:21 PM
Fri 5/20/22 12:21 PM

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