Checking Your Storage Quota on NevadaBox

Storage Quota for Individuals

  1. Log into your NevadaBox account with your NetID and password.
  2. Select the Account Menu dropdown on the upper right hand side of the screen and click on Account Settings.
    Account Menu dropdown and Account Settings selection highlighted by red boxes.
  3. On the Account tab, scroll down to the Account Details section and your current usage and quota will be visible under Storage Used.
    Account Tab with the Storage Used section highlighted by a red box.

Storage Quota for Group and Organization Accounts

Data Owners of a Group or Organization Account will receive a warning when the Account approaches the Storage Quota at which point they can Request an Increase to the Storage Quota for the Account.


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Article ID: 137745
Mon 9/13/21 11:24 AM
Thu 11/10/22 1:29 PM