Eduroam Basics


How to Access Eduroam

  1. On your device, go to the wifi settings screen and select eduroam
  2. Enter in your NetID in the form of ( and netid password. 
  3. When prompted, accept the certificate. 
  4. You should now be connected to the eduroam network. 

Members of UNR visiting other organizations should enter their username as and then use their NetID password. 

Some organizations may require a visiting user to download a small application on their computer before they can access the eduroam signal. 


  • The Office of Information Technology is unable to troubleshoot or reset the password for credentials from another organization. 
  • Follow our general instructions on wireless troubleshooting
  • If your organization does not participate in eduroam, consider connecting to the UNR-Guest network. 

Which Institutions Use Eduroam 

A full list of Universities and other educational institutions, utilizing the 'eduroam' wireless signal can be found on the eduroam website


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Article ID: 116808
Wed 9/23/20 3:58 PM
Wed 5/25/22 8:06 PM

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