Registration Steps for Other Devices


If you wish to connect your gaming console or other device to the Residence Hall internet, you must register the system on the Registration site. You need to know the MAC address of your system. Go to the registration site, select your device type, input your NetID, password, and MAC address, and click Register.

To ensure successful registration, leave your device plugged into the internet for 5-10 minutes before attempting to register it. 

Activate NetID

To register a gaming console on the Residence Hall Network, you will need an active NetID

Identify MAC Address

Registration requires knowledge of your gaming console's wired MAC address (unique identifying address for the device). The MAC address is a string of numbers and letters, with 12 characters, wish each pair of characters separated by a colon. 

Example: 00:1A:B2:3C:D4:5E

For most gaming consoles, the MAC address can be found under System SettingsSystem, or Network Settings.

If you need assistance locating the MAC address of your device, please contact the OIT Support Center

Register Game System

You register your game system on the Registration site. Input the following information:

  • Your NetID and Password
  • The MAC address of your system
  • Device Type

Once all the information has been filled in, click Register.

Once completed, there may be a few minute wait before you device will have a stable network connection. 



Article ID: 116843
Wed 9/23/20 5:56 PM
Tue 1/19/21 2:59 PM