Accessing WolfCloud


Information on how to access Wolfcloud, request new VM's, and view your active deployments.


After having completed a WolfCloud Access Request, connect from on-campus, through VPN, or through UNR Remote Services at:

Requesting New VMs

  1. Click Request on the appropriate type of VM from the Catalog.
    WolfCloud Catalog showing two catalog items with the Request button at the bottom of each item highlighted by a red circle.

  2. Enter the details of your request exactly as it was approved in TeamDynamix.

    • OS: Select the OS you wish to deploy from the dropdown list
    • Hostname: Enter the hostname that will be the machine's permanent name in all contexts.
    • Deployment: The Deployment Name will be filled in automatically
    • Description: Enter a brief description of the machine. This should include the machine's purpose, department, and advisor if applicable.
    • Admin Username: Select a username for your (local) administrative account
    • Admin Password: Enter and confirm the password you wish to use.  Remember this!
      • Use your NetID to log into Windows VMs after deployment
    • vCPUs: Select the approved number of vCPUs 
    • RAM: select the approved amount of RAM for your VM
    • Network:Select the appropriate network (DMZ or Internal)
      New Request Page with the Submit button highlighted by a red circle
  3. Click Submit to request for final approval which begins the deployment of your new VM.

Managing Your VMs

Once your VM has completed deployment, you should have SSH or Remote Desktop access to it.

Use WolfCloud to access the console, manage snapshots, or control power state. Snapshots over seven days old will be deleted without notification.  

Useful Information for Your Deployment:

  1. Deployment Name (a ‘deployment’ consists of a VM and associated resources such as networks, additional disks, etc)
  2. VM's Name
  3. VM's IP Address
  4. Menu (three vertical dots) for VM management
    Deployments screen with red numbers mirroring the information outlined below


If a static IP address is needed, please submit a DHCP Reservation Request explaining your requirements.



Article ID: 144320
Fri 6/17/22 2:54 PM
Fri 12/15/23 6:33 PM