MyNEVADA uses navigation tiles that allow you to manage your tasks as a student, ranging from enrolling in classes to making payments. You can return to your Student Homepage at any time by clicking the "Home" icon/link in your navigation banner.
The Office of Information and Technology (OIT) maintains instructions for clearing your browser on desktop devices.
For mobile devices, you also need to clear the cache. Below are reference instructions from Apple and Google to clear your cache on their mobile products.
MyNevada Homepage Selector for Students
As a student, you may have different roles on campus and MyNEVADA allows for each role to have a unique Homepage. These roles can be selected from the drop-down menu in the MyNEVADA navigation bar. Depending on your access, you have the ability to toggle between your different Homepages using this drop-down menu.
Do not be alarmed if you only see one Homepage. This means you only have one role on campus and one corresponding Homepage in MyNEVADA.

Your Student Homepage Tiles Explained
The MyNEVADA Student Homepage includes a grid of topic-based navigation tiles and associated icons. The standard grid is a 3x3 with three rows of options, including "Enrollment," "Finances," "Tasks," "Personal Information" and more.


The enrollment tile option allows you add, drop swap and edit your course credits. In the enrollment section, you may also complete tasks such as the following:
- View class schedules
- Review wait-list positions
- Search for classes
- Access "Your Planner"
- View enrollment appointments

The finance tile option allows you to complete all of your payment and account management tasks, ranging from viewing account balances to enrolling in direct deposit. In the finances section, you may also complete tasks such as the following:
- Make payments
- Review your outstanding charges
- See your payment history
- Enroll in payment plans
- Update your 1098-T tax document consent
- Purchase miscellaneous items
Financial Aid

The financial aid tile allows you to review and manage all of your financial aid-related tasks, such as accepting or declining financial aid awards and reviewing your cost of attendance. Through the financial aid tile, you may also do the following:
- View your need summary
- Review your estimated family contribution
- View a college financing plan
- Review shopping sheets

The tasks tile provides access to a variety of options within MyNevada, such as reviewing any holds on your accounts. Other options in the tasks section include the following:
- Check your To-Do list
- Review messages in the Communication Center
- Access supplemental forms
Academic Records

The academic records tile allows you to review all of your academic information, such as test scores and apply for graduation. Through academic records, you may also see and review the following:
- Unofficial transcripts
- Transfer credit reports
- Final grades
- Course history
Personal Information

The personal information tile allows you to review, edit and update everything from your contact details to your address. In the personal information section, you may also change items such as the following:
- Email address and phone numbers
- Name
- Emergency contacts
- Demographic information
- Privacy restrictions
- Third-party release
- Ethnicity
Student Center Classic

The Student Center - Classic tile will provide access to the Classic Student Center where you can access all of your student information in the Classic format.
Academic Progress

The academic progress tile provides access to your academic advising report where you can see and compare courses you have completed with the outstanding classes you need to complete to meet your degree requirements.
Schedule Planner

The schedule planner tile provides access to the "Schedule Planner," which allows you select preferred classes, block-off breaks or personal conflicts. The planner also provides the best possible schedule for immediate registration.
How to Use Your MyNEVADA Navigation Tiles and Banner
When you click on a navigation tile on your Student Homepage, MyNEVADA will open a new display of the primary navigation options available under that tile. You can move through those options without having to return to your Homepage
If you would like to return to your Student Homepage, click on the "Home" icon/link.
MyNEVADA Navigation Banner
The MyNevada navigation banner offers multiple options to users. For desktop users, it can be found on the top-right hand corner of your MyNevada screen. Learn more about each of the navigation icon options below.

Home icon
The home icon returns you to your Homepage from any navigation in MyNevada.

Search icon
The search icon allows you to search for tasks or other navigation items within MyNevada.

Actions List icon
The actions icon allows you to select from additional options, includign "My Preferences," "Help" and "Sign Out."

Navigation icon
The navigation icon toggles your recently visited sections.