SharePoint: Unique Permissions

It is common for a department to want unique permissions assigned to individual files and folders that are stored in SharePoint. This can be achieved by resetting the inheritance of permissions and then setting unique individual security settings for each file or folder. 

How to Set Unique Permissions in SharePoint

  1. Access the Shared Documents folder by clicking on Site Contents and then selecting the document library you would like to edit.

    Screenshot of the Office 365 online menu with a red box around the Site Contents option and a red arrow pointing towards the Site contents button.
    Screenshot of the SharePoint contents page with a red box around the Library of Documents option and a red arrow pointing towards the Library of Documents option.
  2. Select the folder you would like to set permissions for, and click on the Options Menu and then select Details. 

    Screenshot of the SharePoint Details menu with a red box around the Details Menu icon, a red box around the Details options, and a red arrow pointing towards the Details Menu icon.
  3. From the Details menu that appears on the right side of the screen, select Manage Access

    Screenshot of the Details Menu with a red box around the Manage access option and a red arrow pointing towards the Manage access option.
  4. The Manage Access Window will now appear, click on Advanced

    Screenshot of the Manage Access menu with a red box around the Advanced option and a red arrow pointing towards the Advanced option.
  5. Under the permissions tab, click on Stop Inheriting Permissions

    Screenshot of the Permissions tab in SharePoint with a red box around the Stop Inheriting Permissions option.
  6. You will see a pop window asking you to confirm the creation of unique permissions. Click Ok. 

    Screenshot of the SharePoint pop up window with a red box around the OK button and a red arrow around the OK button.

  7. Under the Permissions tab you will now see a new group of options. Click on Grant Permissions

    Screenshot of the Permissions Tab in SharePoint with a red box around the Grant Permissions button.
  8. You will now see the Grant Permissions window. You can select from the two following options. 

    Invite People: Enter in the email address of the people you would like to grant permissions to.
    Get a Link: Generate a link that can be shared with users inside the University. 

    Once you have selected your sharing method and entered in the required information, click on Share

    Screenshot of the Folder Permissions window with a red box around the Share button and a red arrow pointing towards the Share button.
  9. Users who have received a sharing email or have access to the link will now be the only users with permissions to the folder. 


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Article ID: 116961
Thu 9/24/20 4:11 PM
Wed 5/25/22 5:03 PM

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