It is possible to share a folder or file with others using a shared link. If you choose to share a folder, all of the files within that folder will be shared as well.
How to Share a File or Folder in NevadaBox Using Shared Links
- Highlight the folder or file you wish to share, and click on the button labeled Share.
- From the drop-down menu, select Get Shared Link.

- The Shared Link for Files window will now appear. Fill in the following information:
Shared Link: This is automatically generated. You may copy the link by clicking on the Copy button.
Email Shared Link: Enter in the email address of the people you would like to share the files with.
Message: Create a custom message

- When all the information is correct, click on Send.
Links to shared folders or files will expire after 60 days. This expiration date can be changed.
Creating Public Links
By default, shared links only allow access to people with NevadaBox accounts. If the data is not sensitive, then it is possible to allow the general public access without requiring them to log in.
Do not share sensitive data with a public link.
- After clicking on the Share button (Step 1 above) click on the button below the link URL labeled People in your company.

- Select the People with Link from the list of options.

- The link will now provide access to the data without requiring the person to log in.