Remove or Resend an Invitation to Collaborate

If an invitee has not accepted the invitation, cannot locate the invitation email, or you would like to cancel the invitation, complete the following steps: 

How to Remove or Resend an Invitation to Collaborate

  1. Return to the folder from which the invites were sent and and view the sharing panel on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Find the name of the collaborator(s) whose permissions you would like to edit. Click on the ellipsis (...) by their name.

    Screenshot of the Sharing menu in NevadaBox with a red box around the ellipsis option and a red arrow pointing towards the ellipsis option.
  3. From the menu that appears, choose to resend the invitation or remove (cancel) the invitation. 

    Screenshot of the Collaboration menu with a red box around the menu.
If you have any issues with permission on NevadaBox folders, please submit a NevadaBox Support request.


Article ID: 116998
Fri 9/25/20 12:37 AM
Tue 2/2/21 3:22 PM