Mailman mailing lists allow list participants to subscribe, unsubscribe and perform other list interactions via email.
The instructions below are for two of the most common Mailman commands, subscribing or unsubscribing from a list.
Subscribing to a Mailing List
To subscribe to a mailing list you will need to know the address of the list you want to subscribe to. Create a new email and enter in the following information:
- To:
- ListName: The list to be subscribed to, add -join to the end of the name.
- Subject: subscribe
- Leave the message body blank. The list will capture the e-mail address and add it to the mailing list.
Example: To subscribe to a list named TestList
Subject: subscribe

Unsubscribing From a Mailing List
Create an email from the address subscribed to the list and enter the following in the required fields:
- To:
- ListName is the list to be unsubscribed from, add -leave to the end of the name.
- Subject: unsubscribe
- Leave the message body blank.
Example: To unsubscribe to a list named TestList
Subject: unsubscribe

Important note: You will receive an email response from the Mailman server stating that you must confirm your request to unsubscribe. That can be done by replying to the email leaving the subject line intact.
Some automated mailing lists can not be unsubscribed from using this method. Please see our information on Campus Announcements for unsubscribe details.
Viewing All Available Lists
If you are unsure of the name of the list you wish to subscribe to you can log into with you NetID and password then on the main page select the Archives button. On the following page select the By name option which will show you all current lists.