PC Printer Driver Installation

If you log into a computer on the UNR campus that is connected to the wired network, and you have an access PIN for the Canon SecurePrint copiers, then the printer driver should be automatically be installed onto the computer. If you are unsure about whether you have the printer driver or not, you can follow these steps to verify. 

If the driver does not appear to have been installed automatically; follow these instructions to install the driver manually.

Installing the Printer Driver on Your Windows Computer  

You must have administrative rights on your Windows computer to complete these instructions. If you are unable to complete the installation, please contact the OIT Support Center.

  1. Open the Run dialog box by holding down the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard.

    Screenshot of the Windows key and the R key.
  2. Enter \\pahrah.unr.edu\SecurePrint and then click OK. 

    Windows run dialog box with the word \\pahrah.unr.edu\SecurePrint typed into the available box and a red box with a red arrow highlighting the OK button on the bottom left side.

  3. You may then be prompted for your login credentials. Enter your NetID as UNR\netid and your NetID password. 
  4. The printer and driver will then install. 

You can confirm that the printer driver has installed correctly if a print queue window appears which says SecurePrint on pahrah.unr.edu at the top.

After installing the driver, you may also need to install the uniFLOW Client


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Article ID: 117453
Thu 10/1/20 9:36 PM
Wed 5/11/22 4:45 PM