The Jamf Self Service portal will be installed on all Mac computers that are managed by the Office of Information Technology. The Self Service portal allows OIT Technicians to "send" applications to your computer, so that you can download them at your convenience, and without the need for administrative rights. All of the software available in the Self Service portal is campus approved.
Installing Software Using Jamf Self Service
Note: You will need to have purchased your desired software and received an email from the OIT Support Center confirming that the software is available before you can follow these instructions.
- From the toolbar at the top of your screen, click on Go and then Applications.

- Scroll down until you see the Self Service button. Double Click on Self Service.

- In the Self Service window, you will see a list of software. Click the Install button next to the software you would like to install.

- In the window at the top of the screen. You will see a progress bar showing your installations progress.

- From the Mac desktop, go back to Go and then Applications and the software you installed will now be listed.

If you do not see the self service icon in your Applications menu, please contact the
OIT Support Center.