If you are having issues logging in to any system with your NetID, these questions can help identify where the issue is occurring and how to best resolve the issue.
Can You Log Into Another UNR System?
If you are having issues logging into WebCampus, try using the same NetID username and password in a different University system, such as the Identity Portal or on the Knowledge Center’s account login page.
If you are able to successfully log into another system, the issue is likely not with your NetID. If you are unable to log into multiple systems, then there is likely an issue with your NetID. Resetting your password will correct the issue. You can also contact the OIT Support Center and a technician will be available to assist you.
Are You Using the Correct Username?
While most system’s on campus use your NetID, there are systems that use different usernames and passwords.
- Current students should use their NSHE ID Number and password to log into MyNevada.
- Employees must use their RACF ID and password to log into some legacy systems.
If you have forgotten your NetID username, you can contact the
OIT Support Center and a technician will be available to assist you.
Has your NetID Password Expired?
All users passwords expire every 365 days. In advance of your NetID password expiring you will receive multiple emails (at two weeks before, one week before, and one day before). This email will be sent to students at their preferred email address listed in MyNevada, and employees at their preferred email address listed in Workday.
Follow the standard NetID password reset steps to reset your expired password.
Have you tried using an incognito/private browser window?
Very commonly browsers can cache old or incorrect credentials for automatic log in. Opening an incognito or private browsing window allows you to bypass any cached credentials.
Private/Incognito Window Instructions
If you are able to log in after utilizing a private/incognito window you will need to clear your browser cache to make sure you can log in normally moving forward. Please see our instructions for clearing a browser cache.
How Many Times Have You Attempted to Login?
After 5 failed login attempts, your NetID account will be locked out. This means that your NetID becomes unusable for 15 minutes from the last failed login attempt. This is a security feature that prevents your password from being hacked via a brute force attack, where different character combinations are used to try and identify your password.
Most systems on campus are unable to inform you if your NetID account is locked out. If you are logging into a computer that is connected to the University’s network, you will receive the error message:
The reference account is currently locked out and may not be logged in to.
The OIT Support Center is unable to unlock an account before the 15 minute lockout period. However, they can assist in determining if your account is locked out. Please contact the OIT Support Center if you believe that your NetID account has been locked out.
Do you have a PCI restricted NetID?
If your job requires you to log into PCI machines on campus then your NetID will be under a different set of NetID restrictions which includes resetting your NetID every 90 days instead of the standard 365 days, please make sure your password has not expired.