Requesting Office Computer Remote Access


How to request remote access to your office computer.


These instructions will only allow you to connect to a Windows PC, It is not possible to connect to a Mac via this method. 

Request Office Computer Remote Access

To gain access to your office PC remotely, please complete the Office Computer Remote Access Request

Before You Connect: Configuring the Remote Access Pathway

 These instructions must be completed on your office PC prior to connecting remotely.


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Article ID: 117552
Sun 10/4/20 9:01 PM
Wed 5/25/22 7:43 PM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (3)

After configuring the remote access pathway settings of your University-owned office PC, use this form to request remote access.
Before requesting remote access to your University-owned office PC, your office PC's settings need to be configured. Use this form to request assistance if you are not on campus to make the necessary changes, or if you do not have admin rights on your office PC.
Report a technical issue with your remote connection to your office PC.