Office Computer Remote Access Request

Remote access can be established for University-owned Windows PCs only. You cannot connect to a Mac via a remote connection.

Once you have configured the necessary settings of your office PC, click Request Service to request remote access

Please be prepared to provide the following information about your office PC:

IMPORTANT: Accessing your office PC remotely is a multi-step process. Once you are notified that the remote access has been granted, refer to the connection articles to learn how to connect to your office PC from another PC or from a Mac.
Request Service

Related Articles (4)

Steps for connecting to your office PC from your home Mac.
Steps for connecting to your office PC from your home PC.
These instructions must be completed on your office PC prior to connecting remotely.
How to request remote access to your office computer.


Service ID: 47284
Sun 11/15/20 6:49 PM
Sun 11/15/20 6:49 PM