How to Obtain a Guest NetID


Wi-Fi Only?
If your visitor only needs WiFi access, you do not need a Guest NetID. Please see our information on the UNR-Guest Wireless Network:


Obtaining a Guest NetID for Users with a Social Security Number

The department the visitor is working with must enter them into the Workday system as an Affiliate or Volunteer for compliance and licensing reasons.

For information on what type of contract an Affiliate or Contingent Worker should be entered please see the following Workday Knowledge Base article: How do I contract a volunteer/contingent worker in Workday?

Once the department enters a visitor in Workday, the visitor will receive an email with instructions to activate their NetID. As soon as their NetID is activated, the visitor can use it to log in on campus computers and will have wireless internet access.

Obtaining a Guest NetID for Users Without a Social Security Number

If a visitor does not have a Social Security Number, they are unable to be registered in Workday. In order for these users to receive guest NetIDs the department must complete the Application for Access to Computing Resources. For auditing purposes, a detailed description of the work the person will be doing that requires a NetID is required on the form.


  • The form must be completed by the UNR employee who is sponsoring the account holder
  • Be as specific as possible when filling out the application. Instead of putting “research” as the reason, put “Researching different traffic patterns in urban environments." NetIDs grant user’s access to licensed software and products that cost the University money per user. Detailed descriptions of the use of the NetID will help us verify proper authentication and use when the user accounts get audited.

Application For Access To Computing Resources

This request must be approved by the Approving Authority (Dean, Director, or Department Head) of the requesting department. If the Sponsor completing the form is not also the Approving Authority, the Approving Authority will be emailed for his or her approval, then the ticket will automatically route to OIT Management for review. Once approved by OIT Management, the account will be created. The visitor is usually notified via their personal email that the account is ready for activation. 

What if the Volunteer is Under 18 years old?

The BCN Volunteers website has specific guidelines and regulations for departments hosting visitors who are minors.


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Article ID: 119017
Fri 10/23/20 1:12 AM
Wed 5/4/22 7:40 PM

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