Disconnect and/or Reconnect a Computer

Due to staffing levels, all requests to disconnect or reconnect any number of machines requires a minimum two weeks notice to be able to calendar needed resources. If a request is submitted with less than two weeks lead time, we will attempt to honor the request, but we cannot guarantee resources.

The Office of Information Technology does not move computers but can help with disconnecting and/or reconnecting computers in coordination with a scheduled computer move handled by the requesting department.

The physical move of the computers and any peripherals must be handled by the user, the user's department, or the moving vendor contracted by the user's department. Unfortunately, OIT does not have the proper equipment, vehicles, or insurance to provide office or departmental moves. However, OIT can disconnect the computers at the old location, then reconnect them at the new location to make sure everything is working.

To request assistance disconnecting or reconnecting a computer in advance of a scheduled computer move, click Request Service.

Request Service


Service ID: 47145
Sun 11/8/20 11:06 PM
Thu 1/18/24 4:48 PM