International Travel Laptop Program Loan Request

Use of loaner laptops, tablets, and Chromebooks is voluntary for international travel to most countries. For cybersecurity reasons, loaner laptops and tablets are mandatory for travel to China, Iran, Russia and other high-security risk countries. Travelers are prohibited from bringing any other University-issued laptops or tablets to high-security risk countries.

Eligibility: Current University faculty, staff and student employees traveling internationally for University-sponsored activities. Employees on personal travel are not eligible to borrow equipment from this program.

Rate: There is no cost to borrow a laptop or tablet. However, travelers are responsible for any damage or loss to the laptop, tablet or peripheral items.

Software on the devices: Laptops are loaded with the standard software University employees need for regular business operations. Additional software can be installed on the laptops as needed. Examples include software for specific research projects and VPN. International travel loaner laptops are configured to balance security and convenience, but are not intended to replace a usual, daily-use laptop. Employees will be granted VPN access as part of this request.

Availability: Laptops, tablets and thumb drives may be borrowed for up to two weeks. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, subject to availability. It is advised to reserve equipment at least two weeks before departure and to pick up the equipment a few days early in order to have time to become familiar with the device and load additional software, if needed.

Upon return: For security reasons, laptops and tablets will be wiped, re-formatted, and re-imaged immediately upon return. Travelers are responsible for transferring all data to their own computer or storage device before returning the laptop. Any data left on the laptop will be destroyed and will not be retrievable. OIT is not responsible for lost data.

Request Service


Service ID: 53522
Tue 5/30/23 2:17 PM
Fri 7/21/23 4:45 PM