NetID and Password Overview

Getting Started

What Is My NetID?

Your NetID will typically be made up of your name. For example, John Smith will have a NetID like jsmith. This differs from the NSHE ID, which is a username made up of numbers like 8000123456 and can only be used to log into MyNevada. You will not know what your NetID is until after it has been activated.

If you have forgotten your NetID username after activation, you can contact the OIT Support Center and a technician will be available to assist you.

Where is the NetID used?

The NetID allows you to access many resources, including:

  • Logging into computers around campus
  • Accessing the internet
    • Your NetID is used to log into the eduroam wireless network. Additionally, students must use their NetID to register computers and game systems on the wired network in the Residence Halls.
  • Accessing academic websites
    • The NetID is used by faculty to access MyNevada, and by everyone to access WebCampus (Canvas). These are the two main websites used for academics at the University.
  • Accessing online resources

NetID Password Expiration

For security reasons, your NetID password is only valid for 365 days. Most University systems, including Webcampus and MyNevada, will not inform you that your password has expired. Instead, the systems will only tell you that your username or password are incorrect.

Please Note: If you have a PCI enabled NetID password expiration policy is 90 days instead of 365 days.

How do I know if my NetID password has expired?

The Office of Information Technology sends out multiple emails when your password is about to expire. Those emails are sent two weeks beforeone week before, and one day before your password expires. These emails will direct you to the Identity Portal where you can reset your password. If you are unable to reset your password using the Identity Portal you can contact the OIT Support Center and a technician will be able to assist you.

  • If you are a student, the email will be sent to your preferred email address in MyNevada.
  • If you are an employee, the email will be sent to your preferred email address in Workday.

If you log in to a computer on campus that is connected to the UNR network, you will be warned that your password is going to expire, or be notified that your password is already expired. Once the computer notifies you of the password expiration, you will be asked to reset the password before the login process finishes.  

Your NetID and Affiliation with the University

Your NetID will remain active for the length of your affiliation with the University. Upon leaving UNR, your NetID will be automatically disabled, and you will lose access to all resources associated with the NetID (such as employee email and NevadaBox). Note: NetIDs for students who graduate from UNR remain active for six months from the date their degree was recorded. Learn more about NetID Access During and After Employment.


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