Compensation / Overload - Request for Instructional Compensation

Questions About Your HR Services Request?

Visit our HR Services Knowledge Base Category for articles on how to track down information on your HR Services request, including:

Request for Instructional Compensation - TeamDynamix Workflow

  1. Click Request Service button to the right to be redirected to the form
  2. Complete the form in TeamDynamix
  3. The person submitting the request (the "initiator") receives a notification that a ticket has been created.
  4. The request is routed to the manager of the employee's name submitted on the RIC form for approval.
    • If you need an approval email resent, please email and include the ticket number in the body of your email.
    • Look for as the sender.

Approval Required for Team Dynamix ticket

  1. The manager will receive an email indicating that they then need to approve or reject the request.

TDX Email Screenshot - Sample Ticket links for Manager Approval

  1. The manager either approves or rejects the ticket based upon the ticket details.
    • If the manager Rejects the ticket, then the workflow ends and the employee is notified of the rejection.
    • If the manager Approves the ticket, then the initiator is notified and will receive a Notification of Approval email from out of TeamDynamix.
  2. In Workday, complete the Period Activity Pay for the employee and attach the Notification of Approval email to the PAP.
    • The Dean's approval on the PAP doubles as an approval for the Request for Instructional Compensation.
Request Service


Service ID: 41938
Thu 2/6/20 11:52 AM
Thu 5/25/23 2:37 PM