Device Registration Troubleshooting

If you are having issues registering, follow the troubleshooting steps below. 

Client Already Registered 

If you see this error, it means that your computer is already registered and does not need to be registered again. Try rebooting your computer as this will often correct this problem. 

Authentication Failure

The information you entered into the NetID and or password boxes on the registration site were incorrect. 

Try entering the information again. Ensure that you are correctly typing in your NetID and password (remember that passwords are case-sensitive). Also, see our NetID Troubleshooting guide. 

Stuck at the Confirmation Screen

If you have registered your computer and received the confirmation that the registration was successful, you may need to wait up to 5 additional minutes before the registration becomes effective and your computer is switched into the correct network. This can happen during times of heavy network traffic, or if there are many uses registering at the same time (such as the start of the semester when a lot of students are moving into the residence halls).If, after waiting some additional time, you are still prompted to register, you should reboot your computer. 

It may also be necessary to clear your browser's cache, as sometimes the browser is seeing "old" information.  See our information on clearing temporary internet files


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Article ID: 116845
Wed 9/23/20 3:02 PM
Thu 5/26/22 2:56 PM