Inviting Collaborators

You can add collaborators to any folder that you create in NevadaBox. 

How to Invite Collaborators in NevadaBox

  1. Open the folder to which you would like to invite collaborators. 
  2. Click on the button on the right hand side labeled Share this Folder.

    Screenshot of the Sharing section of NevadaBox with a red box around the Share this Folder button and a red arrow pointing towards the Share this Folder button.
  3. From the drop-down menu, click on Invite Collaborators

    Screenshot of the Sharing section of NevadaBox with a red box around the Share this Folder button and a red arrow pointing towards the Share this Folder button.
  4. You will now see the Invite to Files window. Fill out the following information:

    Invite: Enter in the email address(es) of the people you would like to share the folder with. 
    Invitee Permissions: Set the permission level for the people you are inviting. Learn more about Permission Levels
    Personal Message (Optional):  This can be any message you would like it to be. This message will be sent to all people in the Invite field. 

    Screenshot of the Invite to Files screen with a red box around the Send Invites button and a red arrow pointing towards the Send Invites button.
  5. When all the information is filled out, click on Send Invites. After sending the invitation, you may remove or resend the invitation as needed.
If you would like to grant collaborators differing permission levels, you will need to either repeat the above steps for each level of access, or change their access after they've accepted the invitation. 


Article ID: 116997
Fri 9/25/20 12:24 AM
Tue 2/2/21 3:22 PM