Campus Announcements

When you become a member of the University, your email address is automatically entered as a recipient into some mailing lists. This allows the University to contact you with important information if necessary. To prevent unnecessary emails being sent to everyone at the University, very few individuals have permission to send to these mailing lists. After you leave the University, you may continue to receive these emails, but you will eventually be automatically removed from the list.

The list of automatic mailing lists is:

  • unrfacstaff
  • university_facstaff
  • unrfaculty
  • unrstaff
  • unracadfac
  • unradmfac
  • unrga, unrga_teach, unrga_research, unrga_admin
  • unrstudempl
  • supervisors
  • emeritus
  • undergrads, university_undergrads
  • grads, university_grads
  • gsaannouncement
  • seniors
  • police_announce
  • nevadanews
  • Building Lists (multiple)
  • provost_ (multiple)
  • Faculty Senate (multiple)
  • School of Medicine (multiple)


It is not possible to manually unsubscribe from these mailing lists. The automatic mailing lists are populated with new and changed employee/student information every night. For employees, as soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. For students, you will no longer receive these emails once you become unaffiliated from the university.

How do they know my e-mail address?

Depending upon your affiliation with the University your e-mail address is pulled from one of two systems. If you update your e-mail address on file, it may take a day or two for the mailing list system to recognize the change.


Your e-mail address is pulled from PeopleSoft. Students should ensure that their preferred e-mail address is accurate by logging into MyNEVADA and checking that the e-mail address is up-to-date


Your e-mail address is pulled from Workday. Employees should ensure that their primary work e-mail address is accurate by logging into Workday and checking that their email address is up to date.

The Mailing Lists

All of these mailing lists end in

unrfacstaff, university_facstaff, and nevadanews

These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Academic faculty
  • Administrative faculty
  • Classified
  • Classified (Hourly)
  • Temporary Hourly
  • Medical Residents
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Letters of Appointment
  • Med School Affiliates
  • Contingent Workers (Affiliate 2, Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee, Volunteer Adjunct Faculty)

Messages sent to these mailing lists are intended for all employees to read. These include major outage notifications, security information, e-mails from the President, and University news.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 


These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Academic faculty
  • Administrative faculty
  • Residents
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Letters of Appointment
  • Contingent Workers (Affiliate 2, Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee, Volunteer Adjunct Faculty) 

The content of these messages relate to faculty only. This can include events for faculty as well as advertisements for significant faculty job vacancies on campus.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 


These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Classified (Hourly)
  • Classified
  • Temporary Hourly
  • Med School Affiliates

These messages are intended for classified employees only. They may include information about events or significant job vacancies in the area.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails.


These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Academic faculty
  • Residents
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Academic Letters of Appointment
  • People listed by the Provost's office as a Dean or Associate Dean
  • Contingent Workers (Affiliate 2, Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee, Volunteer Adjunct Faculty)

These e-mails are for academic information only.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 


These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Administrative faculty
  • Administrative Letters of Appointment

E-mails sent to this mailing list are meant for the administrative employees only.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 

unrga, unrga_teach, unrga_research, unrga_admin

These messages are sent to the Graduate Assistant job family group in Workday and the email address is sourced from the primary work email address stored in Workday.

  • unrga: all graduate assistants
  • unrga_teach: graduate assistants who teach (jobcode J001467)
  • unrga_research: graduate assistants who conduct research (jobcode J001466)
  • unrga_admin: graduate assistants with administrative duties (jobcode J001465) 

E-mails sent to this mailing list are meant for graduate assistants only.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 


These messages are sent to student employees (Hourly job family group and Student job family) in Workday. The email address is sourced from the primary work email address stored in Workday.

E-mails sent to this mailing list are meant for student employees only.

As soon as your employment is terminated in Workday, you will no longer receive these e-mails. 


These messages are sent to people who supervise employees who belong to one or more of these job family groups in Workday:

  • Academic Faculty
  • Administrative Faculty
  • Classified
  • Classified (Hourly)
  • Letter of Appointment
  • Postdoctoral Scholar

Human Resources uses this email list to communicate information pertinent to this group of supervisors.

You will receive these emails as long as you supervise an employee in one of the above job family groups.


These messages are sent to the following job family groups in Workday:

  • Emeritus Faculty

E-mails sent to this mailing list are meant for the emeritus faculty only.

You will receive these emails as long as you are an active emeritus faculty and are using your university provided email address in Workday. 

undergrads, university_undergrads, grads, university_grads, gsaannouncement, seniors

These mailing lists are for the undergraduate, graduate, and senior students of the University, respectively. Additionally, for security reasons, Davidson Academy students receive messages sent to the "undergrads" list. The messages contain information that is important to students including enrollment, security, and graduation topics.

Students remain subscribed to these mailing lists from the time they've accepted their admission until they have not attended for an entire major term (Spring/ Fall) and for 6 months after they graduate. Newly admitted students who are not enrolled in any classes after the last possible day to enroll (typically the 2nd week of the semester) will be immediately removed from the automated mailing lists. Students on a Leave of Absence will continue to receive the messages.


This mailing list is used by the police to send important University-wide announcements about safety, security, and incidents in and around campus. This mailing list is a combination of the unrfacstaffundergrads, and grads mailing lists.

Removal from this mailing list is determined by the rules set for the individual mailing lists that make up the recipients for this list.

Building Lists

The facilities department has automatically generated mailing lists for the occupants of each building on campus. This allows them to send announcements relating to work being carried out in specific areas of the University. The occupant list is generated from the information found for each employee in Workday. More information on the building mailing lists can be found on the Facilities department's building notifications page.


The provost lists are populated from a table manually maintained by the Provost Office. These lists allow the Provost to target specific populations on campus, such as Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs with information relevant to their field.

Information on these lists can be obtained by contacting the Provost Office.

Faculty Senate Lists, faculty_senate_announce

Faculty_senate_announce is a mailing list that goes to all people in the unrfaculty list. It is used by the Faculty Senate Chair to provide information about what the Senate is doing and topics related to shared governance within the University.

Additionally, each Faculty Senator has an automated mailing list they can use to send announcements relating to Faculty Senate matters to the faculty they represent. These lists include all non-temporary Academic and Administrative Faculty. Each recipient is assigned to the appropriate College/Division list according to the College/ Division designation in their primary job.

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Article ID: 117090
Sat 9/26/20 1:02 PM
Tue 7/16/24 4:31 PM

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