Signing In and Picking a Team and Channel

Sign in to Teams

  1. Verify Microsoft Teams is available on your device.
    • Microsoft Teams is available as part of any Office365 installation. Please refer to the Microsoft Office installation if you do not have Teams available.
  2. Start Teams.
    • In Windows, click Start and look for the Microsoft Corporation  From the Microsoft Corporation folder, click on Microsoft Teams.
    • On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.
    • On mobile, tap the Teams icon.
  3. Sign in with your username and password.

Note: Access to Microsoft Teams is automatically available to anyone with an employee email account. Employees without a University e-mail account may request separate Microsoft Teams access(this is not automatically given). 

Microsoft Teams sign in page showing sign in with

Pick a Team and Channel

Teams tab is outlined in red on the left side with a column showing Teams and cascading Channels under each Team.

team is a collection of people, conversations, files, and tools—all in one place. A channel is a discussion in a team, dedicated to a department, project, or topic.

The best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring!

  1. Click Teams on the left side of the app and then pick a team. If you're not on a team and want to create one, see Onboard your teams.
  2. Select a channel and explore the ConversationsFiles, and other tabs.

For more info, see Teams and Channels.


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