Serial Number

Serial Numbers are extremely useful to our OIT Technicians and help them find information about your computer and any previous work that has been done on it. The information below will assist you in finding the serial number for Dells, HPs, and Macs.


The serial number of a Dell computer is called the Service Tag. This is the number that OIT uses to track repairs and installations that have been made on the computer, in addition to tracking the warranty. Being able to supply the Service Tag ensures that our technicians will have all the information they need to repair your machine in an efficient manner.

  • On your Dell Desktop the service tag is on a sticker on the top of the computer tower.
  • On your Dell Laptop the service tag is on a sticker on the bottom of the computer.
  • Service tag can also be found on the shipping label on the outside of the shipping box.

If you are having issues locating the service tag, the Dell Support website has information on how to find the Service Tag of your Dell Computer.


The serial number of your HP computer is used by OIT to track repairs and installations that have been made on the computer, in addition to tracking the warranty. Being able to supply the serial number ensures that our technicians will have all the information they need to repair your machine in an efficient manner.

  • On your HP Desktop is on a sticker on the side of the computer tower.
  • On your HP Laptop is on a sticker on the bottom of the computer.

If you are having issues locating the serial number, the HP Service website has information on how to find the serial number of your HP computer.


The serial number of your Apple computer is used by OIT to track repairs and installations that have been made on the computer, in addition to tracking the warranty. Being able to supply the serial number ensures that our technicians will have all the information they need to repair your machine in an efficient manner.

  • The serial number is printed in small lettering on the back of your Apple Desktop.
  • The serial number is printed in small lettering on the bottom of your Apple Laptop.

Additionally, you can follow these instructions to find the serial number in your macOSX operating system.

  1. From the desktop, click on the apple symbol in the top-left hand corner of the screen, and select About this Mac.

    Screenshot of the Apple options menu with a red box around "About This Mac" and a red arrow pointing towards the box.
  2. You will see in the bottom of this screen the serial number of your Apple computer.

    Screenshot of the "About this Mac" window with a red arrow pointing towards the Serial Number and a red box over the serial number.


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