Computer Name

Your Computer Name (also known as the computer’s hostname) is used by our OIT Technicians to locate your computer’s physical location on campus, install software, and keep track of repairs that have been performed. 

Locating Your Computer's Hostname on a PC (Windows 10)

The following steps will assist you in finding your Computer Name in Windows 10.

  1. On your keyboard, press the Win Key and r at the same time to bring up the Run Dialog Box.

    Picture of a Windows Key and a R key.
  2. In the window the window that appears on the bottom-left hand corner of your screen, type in cmd and click OK.

    Screenshot of the Run Dialogue Box with a red box around the OK button and a red arrow pointing toward the OK button.
  3. The command prompt window will appear. In this window, type hostname and press Enter.

    Screenshot of the Command Prompt with hostname entered in.
  4. The name of your computer will be displayed.

    CMD window with the hostname highlighted by a red arrow

Locating Your Computer's Hostname on a Mac

A Mac hostname can be found by following the instructions outlined in the linked Find your computer's name and network address on Mac page in the MacOS User Guide.  If you are on an older version of MacOS you can select the version needed at the top of the page under the Select version: dropdown box.


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