QWS3270 RACF Password Reset

If your RACF ID password has expired and you are attempting to login to Mustang through QWS3270, follow these instructions to reset your RACF ID password.

Resetting Your RACF Password in QWS3270

  1. After establishing the connection with the Mustang secure server, you will see the main login screen. Enter in your RACF ID username and press Tab on your keyboard to move the cursor down to the password field.
  2. Enter your previous password or the password generated by the technician on the phone. For each character of the password you enter, the cursor will move over one space.

    Screenshot of the Enter Logon information screen in QWS.
  3. There are no other visible signs that you are entering any information.
  4. Press Enter. 

    Screenshot of the QWS message confirming that your password has expired.
  5. You will see this message at the top of your screen.

    Enter a New Password

    Your New Password must meet the following requirements:

    It can not be one of your previous 7 passwords.
    Must be between 5 and 8 characters long.
    It should contain an UPPER case letter, a lower case letter, and a number. 
    Your RACF ID password can not contain any special characters. (! @ # $ %)

    Screenshot of the New Password field in QWS.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. The message at the top of the screen will now ask you to confirm your password. 

    Screenshot of the QWS message to confirm your new password.
  8. Enter the new password again (the cursor will automatically reset to the beginning of the New Password section) and press Enter. As long as your password meets all of the system requirements, you will be logged in. Otherwise, the message at the top of the screen will inform you of why the password couldn't be changed.


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Article ID: 119102
Sun 10/25/20 10:57 PM
Fri 5/6/22 3:34 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Information for requesting a reset for your RACF ID password.