Installing Network Printer Drivers on a PC


Installing the print drivers on any computer running Windows 10.


Your computer must be connected to the UNR network (via Ethernet cable or Eduroam). If your computer is not connected to our network, you will not have access to any of the network printers on the print server.

If you have been granted permissions to access a particular network printer (and you have restarted your computer), you should be able to install the proper driver from the print server and begin using the printer.

Installing Network Printer Drivers on a PC

If you have any issues installing the printer driver on your computer, please submit a ticket.

  1. Open the Run dialog box by holding down the Win key and R key on your keyboard.

    Screenshot of the Windows Key, a plus sign, and the R ke.
  2. Enter \\ in the box. Then press OK.

    A screenshot of the Run dialogue box with a red box around the OK button and a red arrow pointing towards the OK button.
  3. You may be prompted for credentials. Enter your NetID as UNR\netid and your NetID Password.
  4. Locate the network name of the printer in the list, and double-click on it.

    A screenshot of showing a list of network printers.
  5. This will install the proper printer driver. Once completed, you will be able to send print jobs to the specified printer.
If this is the first time this print driver has been installed on this computer, you must have administrative rights on your computer to complete these instructions. If you do not have administrative rights on your computer, please contact the OIT Support Center.


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Article ID: 120094
Mon 11/9/20 11:25 PM
Wed 5/11/22 7:41 PM

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