Authorized Employee Data Release Request

With approval from the Office of the President, a request can be made by a department or individual to access a current or former University member's data files. The access may be necessary to ensure business continuity following an employee's leave, termination or death, or due to an investigation or sensitive matter. To begin the request process, click Request Service.

IMPORTANT: This service grants access to someone other than the original account holder. Former University members requesting access to their own data should refer to the Restore NetID Access process.


  • Written approval by the Office of the President must be obtained prior to submitting this request, and must be attached to the request. 
  • The person completing the form must be a department liaison or an individual authorized to access the files; the request is not appropriate for an individual requesting access to their own data.
  • The name, NetID, and email address of the account holder must be provided. 

Additional Information

At this time, this service accommodates authorized access to the following resources only:

  • Employee Email
  • NevadaBox 
    • If a department has been authorized to access the NevadaBox data, the files will be made permanently available in a group NevadaBox account owned by the Office of Information Technology. If an individual has been authorized to access the data, the files will be made available temporarily to allow the necessary data transfer.
  • OneDrive
  • Locally Stored FIles (Hard Drive)
Request Service


Service ID: 50293
Tue 5/25/21 11:27 PM
Mon 10/23/23 10:29 AM