Owner List Actions

Important Note: As an owner or a moderator you must also be a subscriber to the list.

Adding/Removing Subscribers:

To view and remove subscribers after logging in to https://lists.unr.edu click the Mailman Settings link and choose the list name you want to manage. Under the Members tab choose Subscribers.

In the Summary section the "Members" tab is selected showing a drop down of the available options.

Adding Subscribers

To add subscribers choose the Mass operations tab and then the Mass subscribe option. On the Mass subscription screen enter the email address that you are adding to the list and press the Subscribe users button.

Mass Subscription page showing formats of email addresses that are permitted and an example of an email inserted in the "Emails to mass subscribe" dialog box.

  • If a newly added subscriber requires elevated sender permissions for newsletter type lists where reject or discard are the default list settings for members please see our Subscriber Member Options page for information on how to change their permissions.

Removing Subscribers

On the list subscribers screen you can see all subscribers and choose to either Unsubscribe Selected members of the list or Unsubscribe All subscribers of the list.

Liost Subscribers page showing the "Unsubscribe Selected" and "Unsubscribe All" options in yellow and red respectively.

Adding/Removing an Owner:

After logging in to https://lists.unr.edu click the Mailman Settings link and choose the list name you want to manage. Under the Members tab choose Owners.

In the Summary section the "Members" tab is selected showing a drop down of the available options.

Adding an Owner

On the list owners screen enter the email address of the owner you would like to add and press the Add owner button.

Removing an Owner

To remove an owner, press the red Delete button next to the email address of the owner that should be removed. On the confirmation screen confirm that you are removing the owner role.

List Owners Page showing the red "Delete" button next to an individuals email address.

Adding/Removing a Moderator:

After logging in to https://lists.unr.edu click the Mailman Settings link and choose the list name you want to manage. Under the Members tab choose Moderators.

In the Summary section the "Members" tab is selected showing a drop down of the available options.

Adding a Moderator

On the list moderators screen enter the email address of the moderator you would like to add and press the Add Moderator button.

Removing a Moderator

To remove a moderator press the red Delete button next to the email address of the moderator that should be removed. On the confirmation screen confirm that you are removing the moderator role.

 List Moderators page showing a red "Delete" button next to an individuals email address.

Message Acceptance Settings:

The message acceptance settings are set for members (subscribers) and non-members (senders that are not subscribed to the list):

  • Hold for moderation: The message will be held and an owner or moderator will need to accept or reject it.
  • Reject (with notification): The message will not be sent to the list and the sender will be notified that it was rejected.
  • Discard (no notification): The message will not be sent to the list and the sender will not be notified.
  • Accept immediately (bypass other rules): The message will immediately be sent to the list.
    • Use this option for list members if you have a list that subscribers should be able to send to without moderation.
    • For non-members this option should only be used for a public list that anyone should be able to send to without moderation


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Article ID: 117096
Sat 9/26/20 1:24 PM
Wed 5/18/22 4:10 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Get assistance with a Mailman mailing list or connect to self-help resources. Mailman list email addresses end with @lists.unr.edu, @lists.med.unr.edu, or @lists.asun.unr.edu. Do not use this request for assistance with any email address that ends in @unr.edu.