Connecting to your Work Computer Remotely - Mac

Once your office PC has been configured, these instructions will assist you in connecting to your office PC from your home Mac.

Connect to the VPN

For increased security all remote connections require you to connect to the university VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your home computer prior to intiating any remote connections.

How to Establish a Direct Connection to Your Office PC from a Mac

    1. Go to the App Store and download the Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 application. If your computer informs you this application is already installed please make sure it is updated to the newest version. 
    2. Open the Remote Desktop 10 Application, click on the Button with the "Gear" Icon (⚙️). and select Preferences....

      Remote Desktop with the gear tab selected and the Preferences.. option highlighted.
    3. Select the Gateway tab and click on the Plus Sign (+) to add a new gateway.

      Screenshot of the Remote Desktop application preferences window with the gateway tab selected
    4. Enter the following information in the window:
      Gateway name: 
      Friendly Name: UNR Secure Gateway
      User Account: Select your NetId account.  Do not select "Use Desktop User Account." If your NetID account is not an option, select "Add User Account..." and enter your NetID information.  Be sure to enter your NetID in the form "UNR\netid"

      Screenshot of the Remote Desktop application "Add Gateway" window with gateway name and friendly name filled.

      Screenshot of the Remote Desktop application "Add User Account" window with a sample NetID and password entered.
    5. Click Add and close the preferences window.

      Screenshot of the Remote Desktop application showing a completely filled in "Add Gateway" page as described above.
    6. From the main Microsoft Remote Desktop window, click on plus sign (+) button and select Add PC

      Remote Desktop Window with the + button selected and the Add PC option highlighted
    7. Enter in your office computer's information: 
      PC name: The full IP Address of your Office Computer 
      User account: Select your UNR\NetID account again
      Friendly name: This can be anything you would like it to be. This name is how the computer will be identified in the "Saved PCs" list.
      Gateway: Select UNR Secure Gateway 

      Add PC window showing PC name filled out as full ip address, user account as UNR\netid and Gateway selected as UNR Secure Gateway.
    8. (Optional) If you utilize multiple monitors remotely and wish to display to all of them select the Display tab and check the Use all  monitors checkbox.  Otherwise skip to Step 9. 

      Add PC window with the Display Tab highlighted and the Use all Monitors checkbox selected
    9. Click Add
    10. Double-click on the new desktop to connect to your office PC. 

      Remote Desktop Window with the PCs tab selected Showing the office PC available to select.
    11. You may see a certificate error after connecting to your office PC, select Continue to proceed to your desktop.

      Screenshot of certificate error with the continue button highlighted.

Note: Video and Audio conferencing should be done on your local/home computer as your local webcam and microphone cannot connect to your work computer.


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Article ID: 117555
Sun 10/4/20 6:16 PM
Wed 1/3/24 3:56 PM

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After configuring the remote access pathway settings of your University-owned office PC, use this form to request remote access.
Report a technical issue with your remote connection to your office PC.