All members of the University can access to the software titles found in the Dataworks labs via three remote DataWorks environments: BlueWolf, SilverWolf, and SAS-Enabled. In addition, special remote collections are available for students of the College of Business Administration and the College of Engineering.
To request access to a remote collection, request to add a software title to a desktop, or report an issue, visit the Virtual Desktops section of the service catalog. Please note: access to the BlueWolf environment is granted automatically to all students, faculty, and staff.
BlueWolf DataWorks
BlueWolf is a remote environment available to all active students, faculty and staff. It is designed to compliment academic and instructional activities and includes numerous software titles to assist with such subjects as programming, mathematics, chemistry, geography, and more. It also includes the Microsoft Office Suite (excluding Outlook) all on a campus connection.
Students, Faculty and Staff who are performing resource intensive work should refer to the SilverWolf DataWorks Desktop for a more appropriate virtual connection.
Access to the BlueWolf environment is granted automatically to all students, faculty, and staff. To report an issue or request to add a software title to the desktop, visit the Virtual Desktops section of the service catalog.
SilverWolf DataWorks
SilverWolf is a remote desktop environment available to students, staff, and faculty who are doing more resource intensive work on a remote connection. For instance is you are computing large data sets for academic purposes, SilverWolf can grant you a more dedicated system that will allow the data processing to proceed more smoothly and reduce strain on BlueWolf for the rest of Campus.
Access to SilverWolf must be requested with a valid business or academic purpose. Access for a specific course is granted for the duration of the semester. Other student access is granted for the duration of the calendar year.
To request access, report an issue, or request to add a software title to the desktop, visit the Virtual Desktops section of the service catalog.
SAS Enabled DataWorks
The SAS Enabled desktop is similar to BlueWolf with the exception of having the SAS software suite available for faculty and students who require SAS for academic/instructional purposes.
Access to the SAS Enabled desktop must be requested. Access for a specific course is granted for the duration of the semester. Other student access is granted for the duration of the calendar year.
To request access, report an issue, or request to add a software title to the desktop, visit the Virtual Desktops section of the service catalog.