Classroom Technology (Office of Digital Learning)

The Classroom Technology portion of the Office of Digital Learning (formerly Teaching and Learning Technologies or TLT) supports the technology (including but not limited to the podium, PC within the podium, projector, document camera, speakers and microphones where applicable) as well as the care and maintenance of items that have been placed in centrally scheduled classrooms on campus.

Services (5)

1. Report a Technology Problem

Choose this option in a classroom or TLT supported area if something is not working as anticipated or previously experienced. Additional options will be available after requesting this service. Please report Facilities issues (temperature, clock, seating, lighting, etc.) to Facilities by following this link:

2. Webinar, Video Conference (Zoom or Skype) Support Request

This is where academic webinar and video conference help with Classroom Technology support can be requested. We assist with conferencing equipment (in some cases, based on availability and use case), Webinar's (academic, in general), or Zoom conferences, with or without hardware support.

3. Software Installation

Click this link if you are teaching in a specific room and need to have software installed that is outside of what is normally installed on classroom PC's.

4. Room Training

Help! I don't know how to work this room, or EVERYTHING has changed in here since the last time I taught in here and I need to know how to make it go now!

5. Add or alter technology in an existing or new space

Use this option if you manage or are responsible for a classroom space and would like Classroom Services help adding, updating or improving the technology and/or usability of the space. This can include digital signage, conference rooms or new or existing classroom space. Some requests require Departmental or FMS's and/or budget approval and consultation.